Katy Duncan Katy Duncan

Skincare Myths: Fact vs. Fiction

When it comes to caring for your skin, you can’t believe everything you hear. Incorrect info is easy to find, and unreliable fads can leave your skin worse off.

When it comes to caring for your skin, you can’t believe everything you hear. Incorrect info is easy to find, and unreliable fads can leave your skin worse off. 

Whenever you hear or read something unfamiliar to you, it’s always a good idea to fact check it. Ask reliable sources and be sure you are getting the full truth before you believe all the buzz. 

We live in a world of information. Some of it’s correct, and some isn’t. For example, here are a few myths you might have run across at some point in your life. So which is it for these skincare myths? Fact or fiction?

Myth #1: You Can Shrink Your Pores


You may have heard people recommend certain treatments to shrink your pores. Such as using steam to open your pores and clean them out, followed by an ice roller to close them, thus making them appear smaller. But pores don’t actually “open and close” the way we think they do, and hot steam can make skin conditions like eczema or rosacea act up

Some products like face masks can remove dirt and oil that make pores less noticeable, but they can’t change the size of the pores themselves. Things like genetics, skin type, and age can affect the appearance of pores. A regular skincare routine can minimize the possibility of pores retaining debris that can draw your eye to them, but you can’t really make them smaller. 

Myth #2: Skin Gets Used to Products


Another common skincare myth is that your skin will build up a tolerance to a certain product and then won’t respond favorably to it anymore. Some people believe you have to keep finding new products to “trick” your skin into behaving. But the truth is that skin replenishes itself about every 27 days. So it doesn’t really have time to “get used” to anything.

Checking your skin for allergic reactions or intolerances is a smart thing to do, and switch it if you think you need a different product. But if you find something that works well for you, like our body washes and lotions, by all means, keep using them! 

Myth #3:  Wearing Sunglasses Protects Against Crows Feet


Protecting yourself from harmful UV rays is one skincare myth you should pay attention to! Even on cloudy days, as much as 80% of the sun’s UV rays can still get through, and your skin can definitely suffer. Tender areas around your eyes can develop tiny wrinkles known as “crows feet” from continual squinting, even when the sun doesn’t seem to be that bright. Wearing sunglasses is one helpful tip that can protect you from the effects of UV rays. 

In fact, protecting your skin with sunscreen year round, indoors and out is a good idea. Some people may not realize that you can still be affected by UV rays even if you’re indoors most of the time. 

And don’t forget about your lips! Using a lip balm that contains SPF protection is a good idea, because lips can get sunburned too!

Myth #4: Toothpaste Can Heal Zits

Might work, but may cause damage. 

Have you ever had someone tell you to put toothpaste on a zit and it will go away more quickly? Well, it may be true that toothpaste has some similar ingredients to some acne products, but toothpaste also has other ingredients you might not want to be putting on your skin. 

This common skincare myth might cause more dryness than you had hoped for, as well as redness and inflammation. Especially if you have sensitive skin. In this case, leave the toothpaste for your teeth, and find a more suitable treatment for troublesome outbreaks on your skin. 

Myth #5: Cucumbers Reduce Puffiness Under Eyes


While this may be a relatively true skincare myth, you may not be getting the whole picture. Cold cucumber slices are a common skincare treatment that’s often added along with a soothing face mask while enjoying a home spa day. It feels good and does help reduce some degree of puffiness under your eyes.

But the truth is, it’s not the cucumbers themselves. It’s the cool moisture, and pretty much any cool compress will do the same thing. So, shhhhhh, don’t tell the cucumber lovers. It’s okay to let them enjoy their familiar spa day routine. And cool cucumbers covering your eyes isn’t likely to cause any harm, so keep calm and cucumber on! 

Debunking skincare myths can be overwhelming, but just remember to look for reliable sources for skincare information. We go to great lengths to fact check everything we post. 

Whether you have average, oily, sensitive or dry skin, there’s a skincare routine that will work for you. When you invest in the best treatment for your skin, based on true and fact based information, you can be an expert on what’s best for you and your skin.

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The Link Between Skincare and Mental Health: Self-Care Tips for a Thriving You

The connection between skin and mental health has been well documented through medical science studies. The good news? There are things you can do to soothe and calm your skin when it’s reacting to the stresses that show up in our lives.

Have you ever noticed how your skin reacts when you’re in a stressful situation? You may have wondered why you seem to get a rash or break out, and of course it’s always when you need to be looking your best for a big event. But did you ever look at it from your skin’s point of view? 

It’s no coincidence that your skin reacts when something big is happening in your life…and it reacts to other events and conditions too. In fact, your skin is a good indicator as to what is happening to you internally, and that includes your mental health. 

Along with environmental and physical conditions, your skin picks up on how you’re feeling. When you’re stressed or feeling depressed, you may also tend to neglect self-care, including your skincare routine. 

The connection between skin and mental health has been well documented through medical science studies. The good news? There are things you can do to soothe and calm your skin when it’s reacting to the stresses that show up in our lives.

How Does Mental Health and Skin Relate to Each Other?

Skin is easily affected by hormones and emotions. Both men and women experience noticeable skin changes when brain and body systems are impacted by factors like illness, stress and environmental conditions. Negative emotions can influence immune responses and affect the way our skin responds to outside stressors. Things like psoriasis can be exacerbated by stress, causing increased inflammation. Mental health affects our quality of life and your skin is going to let you see for yourself where you stand on that subject.

Stress can show up in a number of ways, but ultimately your skin is going to react to whatever is happening no matter the cause. For example, stress can affect your quality of sleep. Less sleep can lead to inflammatory cytokines, which can contribute to numerous skin conditions. Stress can sometimes lead to destructive coping behaviors like alcohol use that also shows up in the way your skin looks. Red, inflamed skin is common after drinking alcohol. 

Stress can impact all of your body systems. Your mental health controls everything. When you are stressed or ill, your skin is going to be one of the first red flags telling you that something needs to change. 

Benefits of a Good Skincare Routine

Self care may be one way that you can begin to calm and soothe the connection between mental health and your skin. Even if your skin conditions are caused by illness, reducing stress can still be a significant tool.

A regular skincare routine can be one form of self care that can promote improved mental health. A study in 2019 showed that a regular skincare routine lowered the level of cortisol by 83%. In another study in 2018, it showed that looking forward to a pleasant activity can activate an area in the prefrontal cortex of the brain associated with a sense of well being. 

The anticipation of your skincare routine can give you a feeling of being loved and cared for, and the actual motions of applying lotions after a warm bath or shower can leave you feeling less stressed and relaxed. If the lotion you choose is scented, you’re also reaping the benefits that aromatherapy can bring. 

Benefits of a skincare routine can help with mental health by:

  • Helping you to feel relaxed. Self care just feels good!

  • Allowing you to focus on you instead of outside circumstances - it’s called “me time” for a reason. 

  • Uplifting your mood through scented oils and lotions - you get all the benefits of aromatherapy. 

  • Improving the quality of your skin and helping you look your best. 

  • Giving you a sense of control in an otherwise chaotic world. 

A good skincare routine can go hand in hand with good stress coping skills to improve mental health and your skin will thank you for it. 

Create a Positive Self Care Space

Boosting your skincare routine with mantras, affirmations and visualizations can give you even better outcomes  when creating your self care sanctuary. 

If you’re not familiar with mantras or affirmations, they are basically a repeated word or phrase that you say to yourself to encourage and remind yourself to align with your personal beliefs and goals. 

For example, repeating the sound “OM” is a common mantra that is helpful with promoting a calming effect through the parasympathetic nervous system. Some believe that chanting this sound removes negativity from within your body, supporting a positive effect that is apparent on the outside. 

Affirmations are positive phrases that you repeat to yourself that can affect your subconscious thinking to reset your belief system. Your brain responds to what you tell it, so using positive statements can have an impact. Some examples of affirmations could be things like:

  • I am cleared of negativity. I am loved and protected.

  • I love my skin. I love myself.

  • I am calm. I am relaxed. I am peaceful.

  • My skin is clear and beautiful.

Whatever statements feel most true and comforting to you can be used daily as you are performing your skincare routine. There are also calming and positive affirmation apps and videos you could use to help you feel good and promote that sense of peace and well being.

Visualizing clear radiant skin and picturing yourself in pleasant surroundings can also add to creating a positive self care space. 

Music is another great tool to enhance your skin routine. Music speaks to the soul and can have soothing effects on your overall nervous system. Choose quiet meditative music without lyrics that promotes a relaxing atmosphere or put on your favorite bop and sing along. Whichever tune makes you feel the best is the right choice.  

The documented research on the relationship between skincare and mental health is well known and widely accepted within the medical community. While some illnesses or immune responses may be more difficult to manage, any reduction in stress by using mental health coping skills and a relaxing skincare routine can be helpful.

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A Guide to Skincare for Sensitive Skin Types: Do’s and Don’ts

When it comes to our skin, it’s not a “one size fits all” approach. Some skin types are oily, some dry, and some are a combination of both. And any one of those skin types can come served up with a side of sensitivity. Let’s take a closer look at sensitive skin and consider a few things to know to give it the best care possible.

When it comes to our skin, it’s not a “one size fits all” approach. Some skin types are oily, some dry, and some are a combination of both. And any one of those skin types can come served up with a side of sensitivity. 

Let’s take a closer look at sensitive skin and consider a few things to know to give it the best care possible.

Why Do You Have Sensitive Skin?

First of all, let’s talk about why you may have sensitive skin. You may have had sensitive skin since you were born, or it may have appeared as you grew up. The reasons can vary from health conditions to environmental factors.

When it comes to your health, your skin is often one of the first things you might notice when your system is out of balance. Sensitive skin in itself is not a disease, but it can be a symptom of other conditions. Take stress, for instance. It’s not uncommon to develop a rash or dry patches when you’re experiencing stressful times.

Other health related conditions that might cause your skin to be dry and sensitive could be things like rosacea, eczema, and allergies. Your doctor can identify other conditions that are unique to you. 

Environmental factors can also play a role in dry skin. If the weather is cold or the sun is hot, you might see your skin getting dry or chapped. Exposure to certain chemicals, harsh soaps, over-washing, and long hot showers are just a few of the other triggers that can cause your skin to react with irritation. When your skin is sensitive to outside influences, it won’t be surprising when it shows you how it feels.

If you have sensitive skin, it will most commonly appear on your face, hands, feet, arms and lower legs. But there are things you can do to help soothe your skin, and tone down inflamed redness or itching.

Choosing Good Ingredients in Skincare Products

When you have sensitive skin it’s really going to make a difference in selecting products that will help, not hurt, your delicate skin. 

  • Cleansers

Avoid using harsh soaps and cleansers on your hands, face, and in the shower. Gentle, fragrance free products are going to be your best bet for sensitive skin. Even with your laundry soaps, choose natural ingredients without perfumes and strong cleaning agents. 

Our hand and body washes are great on all skin types. They’re made with just three main ingredients, organic sunflower, organic coconut oil, and organic jojoba oil - all of which have natural antibacterial properties and work together to moisturize your skin.

On your face, avoid astringents and over exfoliating. Wash gently by wiping your skin, rather than scrubbing. 

  • Lotions

Sensitive skin is likely going to react to anything harsh or overly perfumed, so just as with cleansers, make sure the lotions you choose are going to soothe and moisturize your skin with gentle natural ingredients. Read the labels and avoid things like parabens and sulfates in any of your cleansers, creams or lotions. 

Look for natural ingredients like shea butter, jojoba oil, and moisturizers like hyaluronic acid and ceramides. 

Our lotions and cremes are made with carefully selected organic oils that can moisturize your skin safely, without harsh ingredients that might be irritating to sensitive skin types. Either delicately scented with essential oils or unscented, these lotions can gently moisturize sensitive skin. Alyson, the founder of Sage Stone Botanicals, has struggled with dry and sensitive skin so she’s put these product formulas to the test herself. Spoiler alert: They passed the test and are great for dry, sensitive skin. 

  • Sunscreen

Protecting your skin from the sun is another important step in caring for your skin, but it may be even more important for people with sensitive skin. Wearing a hat or clothing that blocks UV rays is one way to do that, but using a natural sunscreen lotion on your skin is still necessary, especially when the sun is hot!

Chemical sunscreens using ingredients like avobenzone, octinoxate or oxybenzone, can be too harsh for sensitive skin and have been suspected of being harmful in environmental ways as well. Using a more natural product with ingredients like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide can be a better option for sensitive skin types. 

Keeping things simple and natural are the best keys to choosing products for sensitive skin.


Not all fragrances are made the same. Some products have just enough scent to feel as if you’ve been kissed by a gentle wind blowing through a lavender field or floating in a meadow of lemon grass. 

…But other times, you may run across a strong perfume that leaves you feeling like you’ve been drowned in a vat of synthetically soaked laundry towels. That’s not the best choice for sensitive skin! 

Whatever fragrance you’re using, make sure it's giving you, and the people around you, an uplifting scent of pleasure. You don’t want to suffocate the senses of everyone around you because of the intense aroma coming from your skincare products. Choosing naturally scented products can enhance the enjoyment for everyone. 

General Tips

When it comes to managing sensitive skin, there are the key things to remember.


  • Use gentle cleansers

  • Use natural moisturizers

  • Read labels and use natural ingredients

  • Pat skin, rather than rub

  • Use essential oils for fragrance or go with unscented products

  • Test new products on a small area of skin before using all over your face or body.

  • Protect your skin with hats and sunscreen


  • Take long hot showers

  • Use harsh face and body soaps or laundry detergents

  • Over exfoliate

  • Use alcohol based products

  • Use chemical sunscreens with ingredients like avobenzone, octinoxate or oxybenzone

(try zinc oxide or titanium dioxide instead)

Dealing with sensitive skin might take a little extra attention but by following a few basic guidelines you can minimize the triggers that cause red, inflamed, and itchy skin.

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Navigating Skincare in Your 20s, 30s, 40s, and Beyond: Tips for Aging Gracefully

Each age has its own concerns, but also its own solutions.

One thing the decades have in common in skincare are the three basic steps: cleanse, moisturize, and protect. Starting with pre-teens, this simple treatment plan will be the basis of skincare throughout the years.

So what do you need as you get older? Let’s take a look at what happens in your 20’s, 30’s and beyond.

Baby soft skin is what we’re born with. But as we age, our skin changes along with the rest of our body. Each age has its own concerns, but also its own solutions.

One thing the decades have in common in skincare are the three basic steps: cleanse, moisturize, and protect. Starting with pre-teens, this simple treatment plan will be the basis of skincare throughout the years. 

So what do you need as you get older? Let’s take a look at what happens in your 20’s, 30’s and beyond. 


Prior to your 20’s, your 3-step skincare plan was enough. But when you start to mature, your skin is going to experience some wear and tear. You might want to consider some extra help to maintain your youthful glow. 

Your 20’s are a good time to add hyaluronic acid and retinoids into your daily plan. Even at this young age, you are already having decreased collagen levels. These may sound like intimidating substances to put on your face but they have plenty of benefits that make them worth it! Hyaluronic acid is even something your body naturally produces. 

Hyaluronic acid will help skin stay hydrated, with a nice plump appearance. Retinoids are Vitamin A-based products and while they’re sometimes associated with older people who are concerned about aging, starting them now will help with fine lines, prevent wrinkles, and smooth your skin tone overall. 

By adding in some general preventive measures, you’ll be off to a great start for a lifetime of great looking skin.


In your 30’s, life experience is starting to show. Fine lines around the corners of your eyes and forehead may need extra attention. Changes in pigment may appear, due to sun exposure, medications, vitamin deficiencies or genetics. This could be a good time to add another layer of treatment to your skincare routine. It’s time to introduce exfoliation, lifestyle changes, and antioxidants. 

Exfoliating can be helpful for cell turnover and antioxidants may help prevent and repair cell damage by counteracting free radicals and oxidative stress caused by the body’s metabolic activity. Things like pollution, smoking or drinking alcohol can also be contributing factors to lackluster skin. By using antioxidants like Vitamin C, you may be able to ward off some of the damage.

Having a healthy diet with foods that support antioxidant activity and finding effective topical treatments can also be beneficial. How you treat your body on the inside will be reflected on the outside. 


In your 40’s, you may want to continue further down the path of self-care and be more vigilant about some of your lifestyle choices. What you do and what you consume can contribute to a faster aging process. 

Crepey skin, sagging, and dullness can begin to creep in at this age. But you’re not completely defenseless against the effects of time. 

In addition to continuing your past skincare routine, make sure you are getting enough sleep and avoid too much sugar. 

Why sugar? Something called glycation has to do with the way sugar reacts with proteins. The short version is that sugar can cause skin to break down collagen and be less elastic. There’s other reasons to limit your sugar intake, but as far as your skin goes, since you already have less collagen production, excessive sugar will only make things worse. 


Menopause can occur prior to your 50’s, but it’s something to address at whatever age it happens. Hormonal changes have an effect, just like they did when you were a teenager with oily skin, but now the hormones are doing something different. 

As always, maintain your previous skincare routine but emphasize the antioxidants and hyaluronic acid even more. One way to do that could be in a face mist. Facial hydrating mists can be used prior to using moisturizer or sunscreen or throughout the day to add moisture.

With many varieties to choose from, find the one that works best for you. Products with hyaluronic acid or aloe vera can be good choices, and many have extra ingredients like lavender oils, chamomile, or green tea. 

A face mist for dryness and redness can help refresh and rehydrate. Plus it feels good! If you’re menopause symptoms include hot flashes, having a face mist on hand is especially nice. 

60’s and Beyond

If you’ve been caring for your skin your whole life, you should be doing pretty well!

Your skin can still be glowing, smooth, and healthy with the care you’ve taken up to this point. 

But you’re not done yet! The next step, in addition to everything else you’re doing for your skin, is adding lipids. This has to do with replenishing healthy fats. Lipids are natural fats for the skin. They help to prevent sun damage and retain moisture. Basically the idea is that lipids help protect the skin barrier and prevent absorption of environmental impurities. It keeps the moisture in and keeps the bad stuff out. 

When shopping, look for a topical cream with ceramides or ask your Dermatologist what they would recommend. 

Lastly, remember that more product is not necessarily better. Read directions on products and follow their recommendations. You can’t ignore your skin until you notice the damage and then over apply products and expect miracles. 

Skin care is a slow and steady, daily process that begins in your youth and continues to evolve as you age. If you have unique skin conditions, be sure to talk to your doctor about them, or for any of your skincare concerns for that matter. Read labels, educate yourself, and make sure what you’re using is appropriate for you. For example, if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, some products might not be recommended. 

Taking care of your skin throughout your life can help you feel pampered and beautiful. No matter what your age, you can always be the best version of YOU. 

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Skincare Resolutions for the New Year: Your Guide to a Fresh Skincare Start in 2024

New year. New skincare goals. The old phrase, “out with the old and in with the new” is a perfect description of how to have beautiful glowing skin this year!

New year. New skincare goals. 

The old phrase, “out with the old and in with the new” is a perfect description of how to have beautiful glowing skin this year! Sloughing off the old cells and nurturing the new ones is how our skin continuously replenishes itself. Why not do what your skin wants to do naturally, and make some skincare resolutions for a fresh start?

As a first step in the new year, you could start by reviewing all of your current skin care products and throw out anything that is expired, dried out or losing its potency. By removing the “old”, you can make room for the “new”, making sure that all of your skin care items are things you really want to be putting on your skin. 

What a glowing start to 2024! 

Once you’re stocked with your supply of skincare goodies, you can adapt one or all of these goals to your routine this year. 

Goal #1 - Establish a Skincare Routine 

If you already have a skincare routine, then great! Keep doing that! But when you look over your habits and products, make sure they still apply to your current situation. Things like age, weather, and activities can change the texture and needs of your skin, so be sure the items you are using are the ones you want to continue with.

If you need ideas for developing a new routine, you can check out this blog, “How to Create a Daily Skincare Routine With Our Products.”  And if you’re looking for some new products that carry particular properties, you might like to read this blog, “Ingredients We Use in Our Natural Skincare Products.”

Establishing the skincare routine that reflects your current needs and finding products that meet those needs is a firm foundation for a new year of skincare success!

Goal #2 - Practice Living a Healthy Lifestyle 

Your overall lifestyle is going to show up in how you look. Your body is a direct reflection of how you live and what you do to promote good health. Things like exercise, getting enough sleep, and managing your stress are just a few things that affect the way our skin looks. 

When you exercise, you’re improving blood flow to the skin, allowing more oxygen and nutrients to move through the layers. Exercise helps your skin maintain its tone and elasticity. If you don’t already have a daily workout routine, adding one to your healthy lifestyle will not only benefit your bones and muscles, but will also have a major impact on your skin.

If you can get outside for part of your exercise time, you get an extra boost from the sun and fresh air too! Just remember to use sunscreen. Choose a product with an Spf of 30 or higher for best protection against things like skin cancer and premature aging.

Sitting in a sauna can also contribute to radiant skin. When we sweat, it opens up our pores releasing dirt, oils, and other stuff that clog them up. It also relaxes muscles and increases blood circulation. After a good rinse, remember to moisturize. We have plenty of organic lotions with essential oils that can give your skin just what it needs after a sauna session.

All that sweating can certainly leave you feeling dehydrated though. Something that’s important to remember to do not just after a sauna session, but in general; hydrate. Getting plenty of water is vital to our bodies functioning properly and our skin looking radiant, plump, and healthy. 

Your skin is the largest organ of the human body, so you can be sure that whatever you do, it’s going to show up in how your skin looks, feels, and functions. Live well and treat your skin to the best skincare products.

Goal #3 - Eat to Live, Don’t Live to Eat

It’s not only what you put ON your body, but what you put IN it. Sometimes it can feel like we’re in a world of temptations that invoke the cries of, “Nuggets and burgers and fries! Oh My!” but if you really want to have the beautiful glowing skin of your dreams, you need to think about what you’re feeding it. 

Of course we’ve all heard the saying, “you are what you eat.” What that means is that the foods you ingest are all creating the cells of the future. If you eat a lot of unhealthy processed foods with grease, fat, and sugar, it’s going to show. Your skin will erupt in an attempt to rid your body of toxic ingredients. If you want skin that shines like an apple or is soft as a peach, you need to eat with those kinds of foods in mind.

Goal #4 - Know What You’re Putting On Your Body 

It’s important to look at the ingredients in skincare products. Learning about how products are absorbed and which products to avoid can be helpful in making skin care choices. 

Skin absorbs things easily through the epidermis, the top layer. It’s very porous and can allow absorption through pores and even hair follicles. Some things, like medical ingredients in patches can go through lower layers and even enter the bloodstream. 

Using natural organic ingredients for skin care, and knowing how they are made, is essential to be sure you’re getting quality products that will bring about the most benefits. You can trust us to offer only the best ingredients in the products that grace your skin.

Goal #5 - Find a Passion 

Have you ever seen someone who is totally passionate about something? You can see it all over them. They’re literally glowing! Their eyes are bright. Their cheeks are pink and they’re radiant from head to toe! Why is that? Because being passionate, happy, and excited about something produces all kinds of happy chemicals that make us feel good…and our skin reacts to them as well. 

This joy and passion for life can take form in a variety of ways. It can be the love you have for a partner, a child, a pet, or any other thing that triggers those feelings. You can be passionate about a certain place, an activity, music or dance. Whatever makes you feel those expanded and elevated emotions will help you to level up your life in more ways than you can imagine. And seriously, your skin is going to show it. 

Happiness is just one of those things that pretty much makes everything else work. It brings down stress levels and promotes good health and wellbeing in the best kind of way. Let go of anything that makes you frown, wince and scowl. You just don’t need that in your life this year.

To keep those feelings of joy going, try using a special scented lotion that reminds you of that person, place or thing that you’re passionate about. Studies have shown that the very scent of something can trigger your memory and create the same feeling. 

There’s a lot more than just surface level skincare that goes into having great skin. It’s more of a lifestyle. When planning your skincare strategy for 2024, do your best to make healthy choices, show yourself some love, and watch how your glowing self is reflected back to you! 

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All About Essential Oils: What Are They, What Do They Do, and Why Quality Matters

You may have used essential oils before, but not everyone knows what they are or how they get from the plant to your body lotion! Lucky for you, here at Sage Stone Botanicals, we’ve got some answers for you.

You may have used essential oils before, but not everyone knows what they are or how they get from the plant to your body lotion! Lucky for you, here at Sage Stone Botanicals, we’ve got some answers for you.

Essential oils are a part of all of our products. Whether you like lotions, body washes, cremes, or lip balm, our products infused with essential oils are going to cover you in wonderful scents and softness. So what exactly are essential oils anyway?

What Are Essential Oils?

In a nutshell, essential oils are made from compounds obtained from plants. You can read the more detailed and scientific explanation about what makes up an essential oil compound here. But the short version is that the substances are extracted from parts of a plant, like the bark, flowers, seeds or roots, through processes like distillation or cold pressing. Once extracted from the plant, the essential oils obtained are combined with a carrier oil so it can be easily used on your skin or in a bath or diffuser. 

According to the Cleveland Clinic, it takes about 250 pounds of lavender flowers to make about a pound of lavender essential oil. To make a pound of rose or lemon balm oil, you’d need about 5,000 pounds of rose petals or lemon balm. When essential oils are made, they are concentrated forms of the plant's finest oils.

Each plant has its own unique properties and have been used for centuries for medicinal, aromatic, and cosmetic purposes. Now you might be wondering, what are the benefits of these essential oils? Why do we use them instead of just using the carrier oils, like jojoba or almond oil by themselves?

Benefits of Essential Oils

Combining essential oils with carrier oils is how we are able to reap the benefits that each plant has to offer. Because of the strong concentration of essential oils, it would not be recommended to use them at full strength.

Research at the Cleveland Clinic also suggests that essential oils could have a variety of benefits, depending on which essential oil you are using. These benefits include:

  • Promoting better sleep 

  • Killing bacteria, fungus, and viruses

  • Reducing pain

  • Reducing nausea

  • Relieving headaches

Some evidence points toward wound healing and fighting inflammation too. And other oils, like citronella have been used to repel insects. 

Aromatherapy is a popular way to use essential oils and may have positive results on things like stress and anxiety. Who doesn’t love the soothing scent of a lavender bath? Or a gentle massage with the sweet smell of roses? 

Using a diffuser to enjoy these oils or adding them to a bath are a couple of ways to utilize their benefits. Adding water to an essential oil and using it as a room spray is another popular use. And probably one of the most loved and common ways to use these oils is by creating lotions, cremes, body washes, lip balms, and more. Absorbing the oils into your skin can not only make you smell great but research points to health and wellness benefits too!

What Essential Oils Do We Use? 

When it comes to the types of essential oils available, there are many brands on the market. Some are better than others as far as quality and value goes.

Here at Sage Stone Botanicals, we don’t use one specific brand because we are always watching for the best essential oils we can find for our products. We purchase different oils from various vendors that meet both our expectations and requirements for quality. It’s important to be informed about what you’re looking for and what brand delivers that and this is why our vendor list varies.  

We use several different essential oils, like  lavender, peppermint, cinnamon, pine, lemon, rose geranium, citronella, sweet orange, tangerine, and lemongrass. 

Why Quality Essential Oils Matter 

Of course, most people are going to agree that if you’re going to buy something, and especially if you’re going to use it yourself, you’re going to want it to be good stuff. Quality matters, no matter what. 

When it comes to anything, especially our products with essential oils, we’re not cutting corners on quality! What you put on your skin matters to us and we’re pretty sure it matters to you too-that’s one reason people shop our store to begin with; because they know the quality is there.

When we look for good quality essential oils, we start with organic products first. Pure oils without chemicals or unknown additives are a must! We also look for oils that are most consistent with the qualities of the plant they come from, not changed through extraction processes, or diluted with synthetic fragrances or other oils. 

It’s important to us that we find out about the oils we're purchasing and learn how and where the plants were grown. What type of environment are they grown in? What methods are used for harvesting and extraction? And finally, we search for reputable vendors that have our desired scents in stock. If they have been doing good business, and making good products, it’s easy for us to verify that information and order our essential oils from them. 

Overall, quality is everything. You can’t reap the benefits of a plant to its fullest extent if you’re not receiving a quality oil. In fact, if it’s not a good product, you could run the risk of doing harm to your skin or breathing in unknown chemicals. We don’t want that!

Now you have an idea of what essential oils are, what the benefits of using them can be, and why the quality of them matters. You can be sure and count on us at Sage Stone Botanicals for the best organic, quality, lotions, cremes, body washes, lip balms and more that include essential oils. 

If you have questions about our products, feel free to reach out! We’re happy to address any questions or skincare concerns you may have. 

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Katy Duncan Katy Duncan

How to Create a Daily Skincare Routine with Our Products

With our products, your daily routine can give you that feeling of luxury care, and healthful beauty that keeps you glowing all day long! It’s like a mini spa day every day.

Home spa days are wonderful. Taking that time for pampering and nourishing is one of the most important activities you can do for yourself. Hours spent soaking, soothing, smoothing and relaxing in bubbles, lotions, and creams-it’s a recipe for a better you. And if you’re using Sage Stone Botanicals for those moments of self care, you’re undoubtedly doubly blessed!

But what about those days when you don’t have time for all that? You may need a quick and easy daily routine that gets you up and going to start your day in a much shorter amount of time.

That doesn’t mean you have to give up the feeling of a luxurious spa day. With our products, your daily routine can give you that feeling of luxury care, and healthful beauty that keeps you glowing all day long! It’s like a mini spa day every day. 

Choose your favorite scents and get started on the perfect daily skin care routine for you!

Make a Plan

A daily routine should be easy. When you wake up in the morning, the last thing you need is too many choices, decisions, and distractions. Planning a routine that flows smoothly can help start your day without stress. Lay out your products and anything else you’ll need for your routine the night before. If it’s all ready to go, all you have to do is do it.

Another idea to make things run smoothly is to let other people in your household know that you will be unavailable for the duration of your morning routine. If you’re constantly distracted or interrupted when you’re trying to take a little time for yourself, it will actually take longer and be less satisfying. You may even start to resent that time, being less likely to uphold your routine. To combat this, you can put a friendly note on the bathroom door that stops the knocks before they start; try something decorative that says, “Do not disturb. I’m having Me Time.” Or try getting up a little earlier, before anyone else is awake and grab that time for yourself.

Finally, stick with the plan. The more you do it, the easier it will get. When you get to the point where it’s second nature, you can allow your mind to drift and go into an almost meditative state during this time. Breathe in the gentle scents of these products and really feel the way they smooth and moisturize your skin. You might just find that your skincare routine becomes the launching point that sends your whole day in the right direction.

Suds Up With Your Favorite Cleanse

The first step in your daily routine is to suds up with the body wash of your choice. If you like to start your day with a sense of calm, you might want to use our Lavender scented wash. It’s a popular body wash for relaxing and letting go. Start your day with a clean slate. 

Maybe you’re feeling more inclined to choose a Peppermint scent, to awaken and stimulate your senses. Or if you want a more subtle scent to awaken and feel the vibrance of the day, you might want to use Tangerine and Lemongrass. 

If you choose Rose Geranium and Orange, you can enjoy this sweet uplifting fragrance to ease into the day with a sense of calm and joy.

You can also choose different scents for different days. One day you might opt for a more calming scent, and other days you might want to wake up and stimulate your senses to get you going!

It’s okay to play around with different scents, so it’s a good idea to have several to choose from. The point is to pick the one you’ll use on a particular day, and have it set out for your morning routine.

Seal The Deal With Lotion

Once you’ve thoroughly immersed yourself with a botanical cleanse, followed up by a gentle towel dry, you’re ready for the next step in your daily skincare routine-lotion. 

Lotion is the product that gives your face and body that extra help in maintaining moisture and replenishing the natural oils that make your skin soft, smooth, and radiant. 

We have lotions that compliment the body washes in the same scents. Or you can mix it up. Depending on your preferences for each day, you can use a lotion that addresses individual needs. 

For example, you may choose to use a relaxing Lavender body wash, and follow it up with a calming lavender lotion to relax your muscles and create a chill start to your day. 

Or you may choose to awaken and stimulate your morning routine with a Peppermint body wash, and then use the Unscented lotion, so you can make good use of a personal favorite perfume or body spray.

Mixing it up depending on your mood and particular needs for the day is a good way to prepare yourself for whatever your day calls for.

Remember The Details

Once you’ve finished the first part of your daily routine, don’t forget the little things, like your hands and heels. These often get overlooked during the hydration process but they should be included in the daily ritual along with the rest of your skin. 

Again, choose a scent from our collection of Hand & Heel Cremes that reflects the mood and needs of the day. 

Winter Spice is a warm and spicy scent. Perfect for the holiday season and the cold temperatures, while keeping your hands and heels soft and nourished.

Or maybe you want to stay with the calming scent of Lavender, or the sweetly floral scent of Rose Geranium and Orange.  

Your hands are on the frontlines of your life, and they deserve the care and skin protection they need to meet the world!  And your heels and feet are your foundation. Don’t neglect these important areas when you perform your daily skincare routine. It’s easier to treat them daily, than try and catch up and repair skin that got left out to dry on a regular basis.

Top It Off With Kissable Lips

Whether you’re kissing a partner, your baby, or even your favorite pet, your lips lead the way. Keep your lips soft and protected with lip balms in two scented options, Peppermint or Tangerine. Or try the Unscented if you prefer to keep it plain and simple. 

These lip balms contain shea butter, so they actually nourish your lips, not just coat them. It’s a perfect way to top off your skincare routine, knowing that you’ve covered every bit of your beautiful skin with moisture and replenishment. 

Soft lips can say,” I love you”, to those you care about. And a complete daily skin care routine can help you say, “I love you” to yourself.

Having a quick and easy skin care routine doesn’t have to be a rushing, mindless whirlwind. By using a few helpful tips, your daily routine can be a compliment to your home spa days, and keep the love going throughout the week, feeling nourished and replenished with every morning routine. 

Remember to:

  • Plan the night before and select the desired products and scents for your mood.

  • Prepare your space, eliminating distractions and interruptions.

  • Begin with a soothing cleanse. Totally immerse yourself in sudsy bubbles!

  • After a thorough rinse and a gentle towel dry, delicately apply your selected lotion

            over your entire body, massaging the moisturizing lotion into your skin, face included!

  • Be sure to include your hands and heels with corresponding creme.

  • Finish with your favorite lip balm.

Our products are made with quality, natural ingredients, so whatever scents you choose, you can be confident that what you’re putting on your skin is not only helping you to be soft, nourished and moisturized, but you’re using products you can trust.

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Ingredients We Use In Our Natural Skincare Products

Read on to learn more about the ingredients we include in our natural skincare products and how they can help improve, nourish, and protect your skin.

Reading the list of ingredients on food packaging is a fairly common practice these days. We like to know what we’re putting into our bodies. But how many people take the time to check out what’s in the products we put ON our bodies? 

Our skin is the largest organ of the human body and it can absorb what it comes into contact with. Since its main function is protection, it basically should keep bad things from getting in, and good things from getting out. 

Protecting it from things like sun damage and bacteria, while preserving moisture and promoting healing are important things that you don’t want to take lightly, right? And on top of that, who doesn’t want to have beautiful, smooth, glowing skin? It just makes us look and feel great!

So knowing what ingredients are in your skincare products is a good way to start caring for your epidermis; that’s the fancy word for skin. Read on to learn more about the ingredients we include in our natural skincare products and how they can help improve, nourish, and protect your skin.

#1 Aloe

One of the more commonly recognized ingredients in our skincare products is aloe. It’s made from the gel of a succulent plant that grows in warm, dry regions, and has been used topically for centuries. 

It has 75 components - including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids, and is well known for its skin protection against sunburns and overall wound healing properties.

The gel from the aloe leaves can be extracted in several ways, depending on the intended use. The gel is the clear pulp at the innermost part of the leaf, and it’s the part that is most used for topical products. Aloe latex is the bitter yellow liquid between the outer skin and the pulp that seeps from the leaf when it’s cut.

For protecting and repairing damaged skin, aloe is a main staple!

#2 JoJoBa

Pronounced “Hoh-Hoh-Buh”, this oil comes from the JoJoBa shrub that grows in Northern Mexico and the Southwestern United States.
It has long-chain fatty acids, which make it very close in composition to the sebum or normal oil secreted by human skin. This quality enhances the absorption into the skin and leaves it feeling more hydrated.

#3 Almond Oil

Almond oil comes from, you guessed it, almonds! Who would have thought those tasty little nuts would make such a beautiful oil for your skin! Almond oil is typically cold pressed using a hydraulic or screw press to squeeze the moisture from the seeds. 
Almond oil is rich in Vitamin E and has a healthy dose of Magnesium too. It has been used for centuries to promote healthy skin.

#4 Avocado Oil

This edible oil is made from the pulp of avocados. Once the skin and stone are removed, the fleshy part of the avocado is ground to a paste and then pressed to extract the oil.
Avocado oil is rich in fatty acids and nutrients, including vitamins A and E, which help fight free radicals and UV damage. It also moisturizes the skin and may reduce the appearance of dark spots.

#5 Shea Butter

This comes from the nut of the African Shea Tree. The “butter” is widely used as a moisturizer, salve, and lotion.

Inside the nut are two oily kernels that are ground into a powder and boiled in water. During this process, the butter rises to the top and becomes solid. Although it's called “butter”, there are no dairy products involved in making shea butter.  But the high amounts of vitamins and fatty acids make it an easy-to-spread consistency. When used on the skin, it helps to maintain moisture, making skin soft and smooth.

The color can vary between light gray, ivory-almond, and light yellow in its raw form. Sometimes it’s colored with borututu root to add a deeper level of yellow and extra nutrients. 

The shelf life of unrefined shea butter is about two years from the date of manufacturing and packaging, making it a desirable ingredient to add to skin care products.

#6 Cocoa Butter

When you think of cocoa, you probably think of chocolate. And you’re right if you think cocoa butter comes from the same place as the beans we use to make chocolate! But there’s another way to smother yourself in the chocolatey goodness of cocoa beans, minus all the sugar!

Cocoa and Cacao come from the same plant. The cacao grows in large pods and the beans inside are used to make both cocoa and cacao. But it’s the way they are prepared that makes them different. Cocoa is processed with high heat, and cacao is a less processed form. 
Cocoa butter is made from the fat that comes from cocoa beans, which are fermented, dried, roasted and pressed. Like most tropical oils, cocoa butter is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial. It also contains polyphenols that can have positive effects on skin, like improving collagen retention and production, and is deeply hydrating.

#7 Vitamin E

Manufacturing Vitamin E oil is a little more complicated than the nut oils you read about earlier. 20% of vitamin oils on the market are made from plant extraction, and the other 80% are made from chemical synthesis. The natural forms of Vitamin E can be made from things like cold pressed vegetable, nut, and seed oils. Oil from sunflowers is one common type. 

Most vitamin E oils are fat soluble, and are widely used for a variety of health and beauty products and treatments. Vitamin E is well known for such benefits as an antioxidant and to help prevent premature aging.

#8 RoseHip Seed Oil

The fruit and seeds of the wild rose give us this wonderful seed oil. Have you ever smelled a wild rose? Its fragrance is intoxicating! Although the rosehips do not carry that same scent,  they’ve had their own value as a health and beauty ingredient since ancient times.

The oil comes from the fruit and seeds of the wild rose bush, and is made by pressing the rose hips to extract the oil. The rosehips are very recognizable from the rest of the plant. They’re those little orange fruit you see hanging on the bush. 
Full of Vitamin C, they are great for protecting and repairing the skin after sun damage. Rosehip seed oil can help your skin stay fresh and healthy by creating new skin cells, brightens skin, reduces inflammation, and may even prevent blackheads. When skin cells are produced more often, it might keep your pores from becoming clogged.

#9 Hemp Seed Oil

As with most seed oils, this one is made by cold pressing seeds under high pressure to extract the oils. Hemp seed oil contains 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that have been known to improve symptoms of atopic dermatitis, better known as eczema.

Among other benefits, it’s also good for other skin conditions, like cradle cap, acne, and psoriasis. It may also help the skin resist infection and inflammation

Although the hemp plant is related to Cannabis, it does not contain psychoactive properties.

And one more thing…it is considered to be non-comedogenic. Which is a very long word meaning simply, that it isn’t likely to clog your pores.

#10 Natural Essential Oils

Depending on which essential oil you are using, they have different methods of oil extraction.  Due to the potency of essential oils, they are always blended with a carrier oil. 

Carrier oils are typically a botanical oil that’s made from fruits, nuts, and seeds. 

Examples of good carrier oils are the ones mentioned above. Things like JoJoBa Oil, Almond Oil, and Vitamin E oil all blend well with essential oils.

Essential oils derived from plants make aromatic extracts by either cold pressing, resin tapping or solvent extraction. The flowers and leaves are the most common parts of a plant for making essential oils. When combined with carrier oils, they can be an effective product that utilizes the benefits of both oils.

Knowing what you’re putting on your skin is as important as what you’re putting in your body, and using the most natural ingredients is a high priority. Remember to use the best quality products for the best results!

…and rest assured, we’re using the best quality ingredients over here in our skincare products.

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