Frequently Asked Skincare Questions

Whether you’re a seasoned skincare pro, or a beginner with skincare routines, you’re bound to have questions. New recommendations pop up all the time, along with the changing seasons and skincare conditions. Covering a few basics on skincare can always be a benefit to catch up on what’s new and what’s consistent info.

Here’s a few frequently asked questions that can refresh your memory about many of your skincare needs.

How Often Should I Wear Sunscreen?

Wearing sunscreen in all types of weather is recommended, especially during peak UV times, typically between 10am and 2pm. Even if you spend a lot of your time indoors, your skin still needs to be protected. 

What is the Proper Order to Apply Skincare Products? 

One basic plan is to apply cleanser, toner, serum, eye cream, moisturizer, and lastly, sunscreen as a final step. Another thing to consider is consistency of creams and lotion. Apply thinnest first, moving toward thicker products. And apply water based before oil based. 

What Do Vitamins Do for the Skin?

Vitamins in general can support your overall health, and more specifically, certain vitamins can promote better skin protection. For example, Vitamins C, E, and A have been well established for protection from sun damage, acne, and wrinkles. Watch for products that enhance the protection you are looking for with extra Vitamins.

Can I Use Retinol if I Have Sensitive Skin? 

Retinol can be fine for sensitive skin, but starting slow and seeing how your skin reacts is a good way to add retinol to your skincare routine safely. Using the right type of retinol for your skin type  is important for sensitive skin. There are various levels of retinol, with some being more concentrated and others being more natural. For example, Rosehip Seed Oil contains Vitamin A, which acts as a natural retinol, and may be more suitable for sensitive skin. Use a gentle cleanser before using any retinol and monitor your skin’s condition when first starting out. If you have rashes or irritation, stop using it. There may be another product that will work better for you and provide a similar effect. 

How Can I Avoid Getting Wrinkles? 

Wrinkles may be inevitable over time, but by getting started early on protecting your skin, you can minimize skin damage that causes wrinkles. Some common ways to avoid getting wrinkles can be protection from the sun, avoid smoking, exfoliate, have a healthy diet, and sleep on your back. Some people opt for botox, hyaluronic acids, and retinol as well for an added boost to wrinkle reduction.

What is a Good Skincare Routine for Spring?

When thinking of skincare for spring, give some consideration to what qualities spring has itself.

Balance. Refreshment. Revitalization. These are all things to consider when building your springtime skincare routine. You may incorporate this by balancing your water-based and oil-based skincare products between your daytime and nighttime routines. You may also opt for a hydrating facial to help skin transition through the seasons. This is also a good time to clear out any old products from your routine and revitalize with new ones. 

And of course, for any season, don’t forget the sunscreen!

How Often Should I Exfoliate? 

This depends on your skin type and sensitivity. For normal skin, 2-3 times per week should be sufficient. Pay attention to your skin’s needs and don’t over-exfoliate. Too much can irritate tissues and cause damage to your skin. Exfoliating skin at night can allow your skin to repair itself while you sleep, making this a great step to add to your nighttime routine. 

What Are Natural Skincare Ingredients?

Topical creams and lotions made from ingredients found in nature, as opposed to things created in laboratories, are considered natural skincare ingredients. Aloe vera, coconut oil and shea butter are some good examples of natural skin care ingredients. 

Should I Moisturize If I Have Oily Skin? 

The answer here is YES! Having oily skin and moisturized skin are not the same thing. Moisture keeps your skin hydrated in a healthy way while oil just coats the skin and may keep pores clogged. No need to over moisturize if your skin is prone to producing its own, but regular hydration as part of a skin care routine is important for any skin type.

How Can I Help Dry Winter Skin? 

Cold air, low humidity, and wind can be hard on your skin. Hot showers and dehydration are two other problems encountered in winter that may remove moisture. Be easy on winter skin and use gentle cleansers along with the right moisturizers and sunscreen to help with dry winter skin. 

What Skincare Ingredients Should I Avoid? 

Chemicals like aluminum, parabens, and phthalates, just to mention a few, are worth paying attention to when reading the labels on skincare products. Know what you’re putting on your skin for optimal health and best results. Educating yourself in the products you are using can help you to make informed choices and avoid ingredients that may be harmful to you and your skin.

Review and assess your skincare routine on a regular basis to stay up to date on what your best options are. One good way to remember this is to do a complete assessment at the beginning of each new season and make adjustments as needed. 

Skincare routines change as your skin changes. And skin changes can occur with the time of year, your age, and your environment. It never hurts to remind yourself of the ins and outs of skincare needs. 


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